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Hebbar’s Appe Midi Pickle (500 gms)


About Appemidi Pickle

Appemidi pickle or Appe Midi Pickle is the first pickle that was granted geographical indicator (GI) status by the government of India. If you’re unfamiliar with what this means, it basically means that your pickle can only be produced in its given area of origin or nowhere else, so it must be special in some way! The Appe Midi Mango has been grown in the mountains of western Ghats for years., so it’s safe to say that the recipe has been perfected over time to produce this amazing treat that will keep your taste buds satisfied!

What makes mango pickle so unique? The delicious, tart flavor of mangoes can be enhanced by fermenting the fruit in its own juices with natural spices and keeping it in earthenware pots for months. Because of these variables, no two mango pickles are exactly alike.

How to store pickle?

Pickles are prepared with utmost care so that the ingredients are not exposed to water droplets or moisture. Due to the process involved in preparing pickles, they need to be stored and handled with care.

  • Never use a moist spoon to take the pickle out.
  • Always use a completely dry spoon wiped clean with cotton rag.
  • Never leave the spoon in the jar after use.
  • Always keep the pickle jar away from direct sunlight and heat.
  • Ensure that the pickle jar is closed airtight to ensure no moisture enters.

These precautions are not just applicable for this product, but are applicable in general for all types of pickles.

Other brands of the similar products available with us are SS Appe Midi Pickle, Sona Appe Midi Pickle

Read an interesting story about AppeMidi Pickle on our blog.

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